52歌赋>英语词典>alluvial sediment翻译和用法

alluvial sediment

[网络] 冲积沉积物



  • In alluvial streams the channel bed is scoured if the sediment load is lower than the sediment carrying capacity of the flow, such as flood flow and clear water flow released from reservoirs.
  • In the construction of barrage diversion works on alluvial rivers with heavy sediment load, complete systematic experience and design criteria are still lacking.
  • At the edge of mountain or river alluvial, accumulate or sediment many thick or huge thick sand gravels.
  • Holocene strata in this area can be divided into alluvial deposits, alluvial material and diluvial genetic types of sediment.
  • This paper has described meandering alluvial rivers with mean annual suspended sediment concentration of more than 100kg/ m3 on the Loess Plateau, China, and explained their formation cause by the effect of hyperconcentrated water flow.
  • In front of the middle segment of the mountain, there is Dashuigou alluvial fan with coarse sediment, moderate slope and less fan area.
  • Alluvial soil A type of soil formed on river floodplains and deltas, where new sediment is deposited on the land during floods.
  • A new explanation for alluvial channel pattern formation can be reached considering the double thresholds in scour fill process of wide range water sediment two phase flows.
  • Alluvial fan and fan delta developed in escarp region of the north of the sag, and river-delta farmed in ramp belt of the south. These sediment bodies are characterized by sandstone pinch out, which is the base of lithological hydrocarbon reservoir. 2.
  • The size distribution of non-uniform sediment on alluvial stream bed surface greatly affects the flow friction, sediment transport and fluvial processes.